Orders usually arrive instantly, but sometimes they may take longer as the purchase is still being processed. There's no need to try purchasing it again—it should arrive soon!
Important: Avoid attempting the purchase again, as this may result in duplicate charges.
If you haven't received what you bought, please contact Apple Support. All payments made toward the game are processed by Apple.
Contact Apple: Reach Apple Support here.
I Confirmed the Transaction, But Have Still Not Received My Order
If you’ve contacted Apple and your transaction has been confirmed but you still haven't received your order, please contact our Support. We’ll lend a hand!
To help us verify your purchase, you'll need to provide a screenshot of your receipt. Here's how to find them:
- Open your related email account and search for "Apple invoice" in your inbox.
- Visit your Apple account’s purchase history and select the order to view your receipt.
You can also view your purchase history here.
The receipt must indicate the following:
- Order ID
- Date of purchase
- Package or item purchased
- Total purchase amount and currency
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