Sticker Basics
Sticker-know-howView Article
Stickers are collectible and tradable items often found in packs won from events and special offers. As stickers are... -
I can’t get new stickers!View Article
Stickers are distributed across all the kingdoms in the game. If you're no longer stumbling upon fresh ones, it's a s... -
I was assured a Guaranteed NEW Sticker, but I received a duplicate. Why?View Article
Keeping track of your Sticker Albums' progress is crucial to identify the stickers you will still need from events an...
Sticker Sets
Dream CollectionView Article
The Dream Collection is a seasonal collection, separated from other sets in your Sticker Album. All you need is to c...
Pixie Forest
Dice Dreams Pixie ForestView Article
The Pixie Forest is an event that collaborates with your Sticker Album. You collect and find the Pixies that can onl...